Sunday, December 22, 2019

Attention Deficit Disorder Is A Mental Health Problem

Attention Deficit Disorder is a mental health problem that poses a strong challenge to the parents and children that are affected by this disorder. In this website, the National Institute of Mental Health wants to look at the ways ADHD affects children from the childhood and remains in the child to adulthood. The National Institute of Mental Health website used the authority , when treating ADHD , the accuracy of the evidence of children affected by ADHD and the currency of the evidence provided about ADHD on these young children. The NIMH demonstrated their authority in delivering information, accuracy in connecting with their audience and currency in their affairs with victims of ADHD. On this website the National institute of Mental Health used the authority to educate their audience on the mental disability problems that associate with ADHD. The authority was effective because they did not fail to provide their audience with their contact information for further use and assistance. NIMH went on by using their authority on their website to explain the causes of this disorder. Their said, smoking or drinking during pregnancy could contribute to increase the chances of a child developing ADHD. Birth complications are very low weight could also be a factor to this problem. Exposures to lead or other toxic substances, extreme neglect, abuse or social deprivation are all factors that could exhibit ADHD in little children. Furthermore , the NIMHShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder748 Words   |  3 PagesWhat is Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? Well it is one of the most commonly developed disorders among children, teens and adults (National Institute of Mental Health). In fact 5-8% of school-aged children are affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Mikami, Reuland and Griggs). 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